Live Free or Die: New Hampshire Votes

The Hacks are back to break down the results out of New Hampshire. Bernie Sanders narrowly edged out Pete Buttigieg in the first in the nation primary. Amy Klobuchar proved that the “Klobusurge” is real after a strong debate performance propelled her to a third place finish in New Hampshire.  

As we look towards Nevada and beyond, what do the results from the first two contests mean for Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren? What do Buttigieg and Klobuchar need to do to continue their momentum in the lead up to Super Tuesday? And with Mike Bloomberg making his debate debut next week, is his path to the nomination suddenly becoming more clear?

The hacks also open up the mail bag and give shout outs to some of their favorite books on the behind-the-scenes of campaign strategery. Finally, they bid adieu to candidates who decided New Hampshire was the end of the road for their campaigns.